Hello!! The Bean Bag is a ONE woman business!! That means patience on delivery times knowing that I will send items out as soon as possible!! I have tried very hard to create a business that has great quality and am willing to work with customers on custom items until we have it as the customer wishes!! Since covid times on shipping material to me has been a challenge to say the least! But I guarantee I will create an item that is personally touched and care for as if it was my own!! If you have a time frame I always say order early!!! If you have something specific in mind please give a detailed description. I will try my best to ensure you get a finished product you are proud of!!
My goal is to create a great product that makes people happy while also being able to make sure my family is taken care of and my responsibilities are met personally and professionally!! Thank you for being awesome customers!! You rock!!

I create custom art for all apparel as well as sell premade items! I use as much Bella canvas products as I can!! If you do not like the feel and fit of Bella Canvas please let me know as I can use a different product! I prefer Bella Canvas for the soft feeling and they tend to not shrink. BUT again I can use something different upon request. Please feel free to contact me with any questions!! I am a very straight forward no bull person that really wants to make people feel like they are heard and also like they matter as a customer!

Please feel free to look around!
If you have questions please contact me at keil247@live.com.  

I will email back as soon as possible!
Thank You!!